Ee Research Group
Pharmaceutical Science Laboratory
Research | Publications
Articles | 2018
Advanced Healthcare Materials, 2018, 7, e1701388.
Obuobi S., Voo Z.X., Low M.W., Czarny B., Selvarajan V., Ibrahim N.L., Yang Y.Y., Ee P.L.R.
Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy, 2018, 62, e00183
Rapid antibiotic combination testing for carbapenem-resistant Gram negative bacteria within 6h using adenosine triphosphate bioluminescence.
Cai Y., Seah C.L., Leck H., Lim T.P., Teo J.Q., Lee W., Tan T.T., Koh T.H., Ee P.L.R., and Kwa A.L.
Macromolecular Bioscience, 2018, e1800196.
Antimicrobial and Anti‐Biofilm Activities of Surface Engineered Polycationic Albumin Nanoparticles with Reduced Hemolytic Activity.
Obuobi S., Wang Y., Khara J., Riegger A., Kuan S.L. and Ee P.L.R.
Infection and Drug Resistance, 2018, 11, pp. 1591.
Integrated pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic modeling to evaluate empiric carbapenem therapy in bloodtsream infections.
Lim T.P., Wang R., Poh G.Q., Koh T.H., Tan T., Lee W., Teo J.Q., Cai Y., Tan T.T., Ee P.L.R. and Kwa A.L.
Antimicrobial Resistance & Infection Control, 2018, 7(1), pp.1-1.
Candidemia in a major regional tertiary referral hospital - Epidemiology, practice patterns and outcomes.
Jocelyn Qi-Min Teo, Samuel Rocky Candra, Shannon Jing-Yi Lee, Shannon Yu-Hng Chia, Hui Leck, Ai-Ling Tan, Hui-Peng Neo, Kenneth Wei-Liang Leow, Yiying Cai, Pui Lai Rachel Ee, Tze-Peng Lim, Winnie Lee & Andrea Lay-Hoon Kwa.
Macromolecular Bioscience, 2018, 18, 10.
Macromol. Biosci. 10/2018.
Sybil Obuobi, Ying Wang, Jasmeet Singh Khara, Andreas Riegger, Seah Ling Kuan, Pui Lai Rachel Ee