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Research | Publications

Articles | 2019

Journal of Controlled Release, 2019, 313, pp. 120-130.

Facile and efficient encapsulation of antimicrobial peptides via crosslinked DNA nanostructures and their application in wound therapy.

Obuobi S., Tay H.K.L., Tram N.D.T., Selvarajan V., Khara J.S., Wang Y., Ee P.L.R.


Journal of Global Antimicrobial, 2019, 17, pp. 312-315.

Do antimicrobial stewardship programme interventions reduce the rate of and protect against Clostridium difficile infection?

Bih Yee Chia, Jocelyn Qi-Min Teo, Winnie Lee, Yi Xin Liew, Rachel Pui-Lai Ee, Maciej Piotr Chlebicki, Lynette Lin-Ean Oon, Andrea Lay-Hoon Kwa

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