Ee Research Group
Pharmaceutical Science Laboratory
People | Faculty
Associate Professor Pui Lai Rachel EE
Rachel received a Bachelors degree in Pharmacy with Honours from the National University of Singapore and PhD in Pharmaceutics from the College of Pharmacy at the University of Illinois at Chicago. After doctoral studies, she was awarded a fellowship from the Singapore Economic Development Board for overseas training in drug discovery and development in ProSkelia S.A.S., France. She returned to join her alma mater as Assistant Professor in the Department of Pharmacy in 2006 and was promoted to Associate Professor in 2015. She has remained as a registered Pharmacist with the Singapore Pharmacy Board. Professor Ee has received numerous national grants and international awards, including the DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) Fellowship for research in Germany and Banco Santander/UCLA W30 Program 2014 for developing women leaders in University administration. Professor Ee and her team has widely published book chapters and research articles in journals such as ACS Nano, Acta Biomaterialia, Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, Biomaterials, Cancer Research, Journal of Controlled Release, NanoToday and PNAS. She is currently the Leader of the Drug Delivery and Pharmaceutical Technology Domain in NUS Pharmacy and is actively involved in undergraduate research planning and alumni affairs.